My dear friend, Miss Madison Volt, and I were walking down the street and this pathetic excuse for a “man” had the audacity to catcall us! We simply could not let that stand, so we took him back to our apartment and spent hours teaching him exactly what happens to disgusting, pathetic catcallers when we’re around. We tie him down and torment him until he’s begging for us to stop and then we remove the source of his little catcalling problem! I had expected my pathetic slave to be able to hold a camera still for ten minutes and was sorely disappointed by his deplorable, shaky limbs. He even got his weak arm into the frame, but, lucky for him, it does not obscure any of the action, and the camera movement is mild. As such, this clip will be discounted 20% and I will be finding ways for him to make it up to me for months to come.
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