You could never in a million year resist me, you are far too inferior, weak and totally addicted for that, yet you try so hard. You fight with yourself daily to walk away from me, from Femdom, to forget about it all and try to fit in with normal society but you can't get that picture of me out of your head and then it all goes crazy. Your dick stiffens, you feel weak, you want to serve and you won't let anything nor anyone get in your way and it feels amazing. So why are you fighting what feels right? Look deep into my eyes, don't look away, let yourself fall deeper for what you crave so much. Forget everything, forget everyone just focus on me and you and how good it feels to stroke and submit. You don't want to resist me do you, you don't want to walk away. In fact you want this more than ever before, don't you. Let me control you, do what your good at and submit, devote yourself entirely to me.
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