Custom Clip: Hi, I love your videos! Especially the ones where you show off your dirty riding boots close to the cam and tell us to lick them clean... I literally love them! I'm wondering if you could do a video where you do pretty much that but instead you're using a pair, preferably very worn/dirty/filthy converse all stars/chucks sneakers where you kind of like lay in the bed having the bottoms of the shoes facing the camera very close telling me to lick them clean, doing the loser gesture a lot, laughs and humiliates me by reminding me what a loser I am and that I'll always be your shoe-licking slave. That'd be amazing! I really want you to keep them still, not a lot of fast movements, just put them side by side and sometimes you can cross them, but I want you to show off the bottoms of them like pretty much throughout the video which I'd like to be at least 5 minutes long. Like, pure humiliation to that, the loser gesture sign with your fingers a lot, humiliating laughter, and telling me to lick them clean a lot and how I should lick all of your shoes that you've been wearing everywhere completely clean, you'll basically feed me with your dirty shoe bottoms.
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