You’ve got 99 problems and they all started with your little dick. All your problems revolve around your little appendage - this is something that you realised when you reached puberty, when your balls dropped and your voice changed, but your dick didn’t grow. You started becoming obsessed with looking at the guys in the locker room to compare sizes...yours was tiny in comparison. You watched your friends go out dating, however you were terrified of girls, because you knew what a disappointment you and your little dick are. You went on one date, but she laughed at your little fun sized cock, she told everyone else and they laughed at you too. So then you started watching porn, but regular porn wasn’t doing it for you, it wasn’t turning you on - then you started watching FEMDOM PORN. And that’s when your problems really started, your problems started spiralling out of control, your obsession with your small dick started taking over your life.
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