A voicemail from your wife changes everything. No more messy nights, no more cleaning up after yourself. It's time for a new arrangement, one that will leave you feeling helpless and dependent. Your wife has had enough, and now she's taking matters into her own hands. Diapers, crinkling with anticipation, await their debut. At first, her tone is stern, but as she warms up to the idea of being your caregiver, her voice softens, revealing a hint of excitement. She knows you're eager to surrender to this new dynamic, to feel the comfort and security of being diapered. And she's more than happy to oblige, to be the one who tends to your every need. The possibilities are endless: making a mess in your diapers, getting jerked off by your wife's skilled hands, even fucking her while wearing them. And if you're a good boy, maybe, just maybe, you'll earn the privilege of sucking on your paci in bed. The thrill of submission beckons. Will you surrender to your wife's desires? Keywords: Diaper, ABDL, Caregiver, Messy, Jerk Off, Fucking, Paci, Bedtime, Audio Erotica, Roleplay, Erotic Storytelling
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