( Intense and Regular Inhales. Aversion Therapy and Power Play Verbal ) Welcome to St Apollo's home for the Mentally Insane.. You have been sectioned here against your will, by people in your life who tipped us off that you were a homosexual. Here at St. Apollo's we pride ourselves on our breakthrough success we have had using our somewhat 'taboo experiments' in the Gay Conversion Therapy sector. Please understand that resistance is futile here. The sooner that you can accept your place and accept what you are, the better. For you, Patient #362, we are going to try a very new experiment. Every hour, on the hour we are going to pump 'Gas' into your cell - making you become weaker and more submissive than you can ever imagine. Even when you have drifted off, you will be woken up by a series of alarms and then you will hear the gas trickle into your cell. We're not sure how long it will take, or what the outcomes of the experiment will be. We're not sure if it will take weeks, months or years to 'crack you', but we do our best to find out. One way or another, we will make you normal again. We will either have you change your sexuality, or become a permanent patient at St Apollo's. Speaking of which.. It's nearly time (Snaps fingers) "Gas!" Filename: 20211004_Inhale_Psych_Ward_Halloween.mp4
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