Angel is home alone relaxing when she gets a worried call from her mom. She stresses about how the news has been warning citizens about a string of woman who have gone missing. As Angel sits there, she is suddenly grabbed from behind and a rag is placed over her mouth. She trys to fight her assailant she slowly fade into unconcousneous. Angel wake up a time later and can hardly move. Her ankles have been thoroughly taped, so have her thighs. Angels hands have been bound & tapped behind her back. The tape is so tight, Angel starts to panic... As she screams for help her capture takes a pair of Angel's panties and stuffs them in her mouth. Then wraps tape around your mouth over and over and over again. The tape is so tight all Angel can do is just scream and struggle to try & get free. After while the man comes back, he places a pantyhose hoods over your head and wrapped more tape around Angel. Later on, the man returns and encases Angel's body with layer after layer of pantyhose. All Angel can do is struggle and cry out for help. Will anyone hear her? Will anyone save her??
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