Excuse me MR!!! I've noticed you were staring my TAIL while I was exercising. Oh, what's wrong with you? Did you try to OBJECTIFY me? Did you really think that I won't be able to have REVENGE on you? You were WRONG! So get ready and start FIGHTING! Show me your male power. Come on ... execute your MALE POWER on me! I wanna see it! Fight as a real man ... why are you fighting as a girl? I will box you in the corner and then I will REPORT you to the GYM'S ADMINISTRATION. They will cancel on your LOSER MEMBERSHIP. No WEAK LOSERS are allowed in this gym! So can you see now how STRONG am I? Are you able to feel my FEMALE POWER? Do you trust me now that I can kick your BALLS real good even while having my heels on? Why are you CRYING? I WARNED you that I was a BUNNY FIGHTER! So get the FUCK OUTTA HERE ... no more gym for you! You will never get those MUSCLES ... so just stay JEALOUS! I know you wanna HANG OUT with me and my girls but this is a FEMALE CLUB. All those SLUTS are former men. I turned them into POWERFUL WOMEN. Before they were the same weak as you are now. And just to let you know I charge very EXPENSIVE if you want to join my club. But besides MATERIAL things there would be also involved psychical things. I will have to change your APPEREANCE completely! It means no more COCK!!! But for now GO ... RUN ... while I give you a CHANCE. Otherwise I will stick my CARROT in your ass. FULL VIDEO is available here https://www.manyvids.com/Video/3106946/I-WILL-KICK-U-OUT-FROM-DE-GYM-WEAK-PRICE/ OR here https://www.manyvids.com/Video/3106816/I-WILL-KICK-YOU-OUT-FROM-THE-GYM/
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