LUNA in her SHORT SHORTS and SPORTS BRA just got done with her WORK OUT when SADIE comes in. SADIE is ready to go to the gym but she can not find her car keys anywhere and she's so stressed out about missing her training. LUNA tells SADIE she's pretty little and then the girls are on to something. SADIE can use LUNA as her WEIGHT instead of the ones at the Gym and work out right where she is to get STRONGER. SADIE LIFTS LUNA in a CRADLE CARRY and starts to CURL LUNA and then changes up her set and SQUATS with LUNA on her back in PIGGY BACK. SADIE has to do push ups too and decides to do girly pushups with LUNA on her back, repeating her WORKOUTS and FLEXING her MUSCLES to show LUNA she is STRONG and can handle the LIFT & CARRY WORK OUT with little PETITE LUNA.
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