NO NUDITY/ fetish/ roleplay custom. Your staring at my thighs while on your knees behind me. I know your staring at me so i call you over and make you crawl to me, stopping you before you get to close! You want to put your head between my thighs dont you? you want me to scissor your neck between my thighs and squeeze you? If you want that you'll have to beg for it! i open my legs wide enough so you can and then squeeze you between them! (i use a stuffed bear to represent you) Your squirming and i laugh at you finding it funny, i love making you suffer. Before you pass out i push you down and turn around facing you and make you put your neck back through my thighs so i can squeeze you again. I can't hear you but now you want me to sit on you soi make you beg again, then command you to get on the bed! Sitting on you you squirm more, i shhh you and tell you to enjoy it, i point to places on my thighs that i want you to kiss and laugh when you struggle to reach them. To finish you i lay on top of you till you stop whimpering and tell you how you were a good boy and that you should be honored that i would smooshed you with my thighs
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