BELLE IS ON THE SPERM DIET SHE NEEDS SPERM!! WHEN HER OLDER BROTHER WON'T MASTURBATE INTO A CUP FOR HER .... BELLE OFFERS TO "SUCK IT FROM THE SOURCE"!!! Like a lot of teen girls....Belle is on this trendy, new Diet....The Sperm Diet!! It is a high protein weight loss Diet. Of course, the only issue is.....supply!!! These teen girls soon realize that Sperm doesn't grow on trees....and you can't get it at the grocery store!!! lol After having sucked off everybody she knows...Belle turns to her older Brother for help. Belle wants him to masturbate into a cup...while she shows him pictures of naked women. He will have NOTHING to do with that....so Belle takes off her shirt....and offers to "suck it right from the source"!!! Jesse agrees to let the annoying little brat suck the Sperm out of him....and he is shocked by how good his little Sister Sucks Cock!!!
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