With Dakota Charms! The click clack of my thick high heels arouses your senses and when you see me in my white leotard and maroon leggings, your heart skips a beat. Tap dancing on the hardwood floors, you love seeing my big legs and big ass doing time steps to the silent music in my head. My thick calves flex and contract with each step and the heel coming down to the ground gives a satisfying stomping sound. My blue toenails peek through the open toe shoes which is an advantage over traditional taps hoes or clog shoes. OTHER KEYWORDS- dancing dancers leotard fetish shoe fetish high heels shoe play sandals foot fetish toe tapping heel tapping foot play yoga pants workout clothes workout clothing fetish clothes fetish clothing leg fetish legs calves calf muscle fetish spandex big tits selfie fetish amateur candid kink brunettes with green eyes non-nude @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX@gmail.com
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