Step Mom Takes a Massive Facial with a Smile Step Mom is on her bed wearing only a tiny top. She is in an odd position, stretching her hamstrings. Her Pussy is exposed and ready for my hard cock! I rub her ass from behind and she jiggles it up and down. I slide my cock in and take Step Mom to Pound Town! Would appear she is fixing my boner issues, one day at a time! This time we mixed things up. Amiee wanted to see my progress after sex. She told me to fuck her till I was about to cum but this time she wanted to see the cum spray onto her face. She had no idea what was cumming but I did. I shot several ropes over her face and gave her a professional face painting. In only two weeks Nurse Chase will be back. Step Mom needs a towel, I thank her again and grab her a fresh towel to clean up with.
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