I've been called to clean the house of a woman. She has a pretty nice place. Nothing too posh and actually not much work to do. So I am happy to have place for my own for a few hours as I like to.. you know.. not mind my own business... I like to go trough people's drawers and sometimes I find things that are interesting and also I like to use the perfume, the nail polish of the ladies I clean for, sometimes even the make-up. Usually the ladies I clean for are business women and they are away from home a lot. This time, I found some sort of something that I don't understand. It's a purple thing and has a funny head... some sort of a stick, but bigger... I am facetiming my friend SweetHeart Mia as she has seen plenty of weird things... she is a porn star you know?... and she tells me, a little mocking me for being so naive. But hey! I learn fast. I was just not aware of what it is and what it does. It seems like it is a vibrator for the clitoris and it has a few patterns and speeds. Now that I tested it on my hand I am curious how it feels on the clit. Should I break all codes and try it? The lady of the house is not due home for at least a couple of hours. I fall in temptation and I lose my trousers and panties and I start playing with it. Testing different speed and patterns. I pick the one who makes me feel best and I play with it until I have my orgasm. I should order one for home as well. Soon the housekeeper goes trough new adventures!
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