Akira is on the bed relaxing and watching TV when her husband comes in, whining and complaining about how much his poor broken finger hurts. His immature, obnoxious complaining sounds like nothing but whining and crying about a simple little booboo. Annoyed by the behaviour her husband is displaying in font of her, she gets an exciting idea that lights a devious sparkle in her eyes. Since he refuses to stop whining and crying like a littlebaby, Akira is going to turn him into on! Reaching into her drawr, she pulls out a binkie and pops it right in her husband's mouth to stop his incessant complaining. Trying to refuse as he is stripped bare by his wife, insisting that he "can wear big boy pants", he gets distracted with a rattling toy that his wife waves in his face. Having her husband giggling and distracted Akira grabs the wipes, rash cream, and powder to clean him up and prep for his XL dipey! Starting to get comfortable, Akira's husband starts to roll around on the bed a little and feed into Akira's coohie's and coo's and even tickle monster attacks! After getting him cleaned and diapered, Akira kisses his boo-boo to make it all better before having her new babyboy settle down in her lap for a nappie.
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