A date with Sweet Maria. You're on a date with Sweet Maria - finally! And the best thing is she seems as enthusiastic as you are. With her juicy lips curved up in a sexy smile, she asks if it's ok for her to have a smoke; it's a restaurant in which smoking is allowed. By all means... You decide to ask your date why and when she started smoking, only to learn it wasn't all that long ago: 5/6 years is not a long time. Maria then confesses she usually doesn't date non-smokers, as men who smoke tend to be more attractive in her eyes. Plus, it's something they'd have in common. 'Tell you what, how about you try it,' she says, a fresh cigarette between her fingers, 'It's amazing. You should at least try it once in your lifetime!' A flirty wink and you know what she means. It's not just the promise of sex that's motivated you to grab the cigarette and to l*ght up; you also want Maria to find you attractive. So why not give it a go? How bad can it be, just one little cigarette? You cough and Maria smiles. 'No need to apologize, you should have seen the first time I smoked a cigarette - I was coughing my lungs out! Just don't give up. Push through. I promise it'll be worth it.' As you puff puff away, Maria squirms in her seat: 'Are you hungry? Me neither. Let's ditch this place, go to my apartment, have a few smokes and fuck like we're in heat!' x
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