THIS IS A CUSTOM CLIP, PLEASE EMAIL ME DIRECTLY IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR OWN CUSTOM VIDEO (Find email at the top of the page) In this one, you’re the viewer’s wife who has just discovered tons of foot porn on his computer! However, being incredibly naïve, you don’t realize it’s porn – you aren’t sure what to think but it does seem a little weird. Rather than being angry, you’re totally intrigued and anxious to talk about it. No humiliationn. What makes this whole premise kinda funny is that despite all your questions and the obvious implications, your hubby (the viewer) keeps trying to throw you off track. We never hear him speak – it’s just you doing the talking but it will be done in a style where you’ll ask a question, pause, then say something else that will give us a sense of his answers (EXAMPLE: “Where are you going?” (pause) Why are you going to the store? (pause) I didn’t know we need light bulbs”) You get the idea. So that’s how it’ll go throughout the “conversation”. Eventually this will end with you doing a full on JOI foot tease but even then you’re still not 100% aware of what you’re doing. Haha! Anyway, please feel free to ad lib – you don’t have to stick to this script. I just figured that since this concept is a little unusual, I’ll give you more to work with. Sooo here’s some sample dialogue for this: Hunnie, can I talk to you a second? I found a lot of strange pictures and videos on your computer. Ladies taking off their shoes and socks. They’re all barefoot. Showing off the bottoms of their feet. Its like alot – a crazy amount of clips. What is all this stuff? “RESEARCH” (hubby’s answer) For Research? What could you possibly be researching? How is this (put your bare feet up on table and keep them there) research? This is what I saw all of them all doing. You have video after video of ladies showing off their soles like this. Wiggling them. Spreading their toes. “REFLEXOLOGY” (hubby’s answer) Oh… Reflexology. Well that’s a relief. I was starting to think you might have a foot fetish or something. Cuz I would hate that. You getting all horny every time we went to the beach. You don’t have a foot fetish, do you? You’re not just tricking me with this research thing, right? Well you could have asked me – don’t I have pretty feet? (show them off – wrinkle and scrunch them) I take care of them. They’re cute, right? Just look at them… my little toes, soft soles, etc. I think theyre sexy. So why wouldn’t you want to use MY feet with your research? “YOU’RE TOO TICKLISH” (hubby’s answer) I am NOT that ticklish! See…? Ok haha - well maybe I am a little ticklish but I could take it. Just watch (tickling your own feet) Well anyway it doesn’t matter if I am or not, its not like you’d be trying to tickle me on purpose. So I could deal with it. And what’s this pose? (put the soles of your feet together in the footjob position) I saw them doing this a lot. And they move them back and forth like this… whats this do? “EXERCISE” (hubby’s answer) Oh its just a foot strengthening exercise? I see. I can do some others too (flex and scrunch your feet, spread your toes) How do you like that? See, you don’t need all those silly clips when you have me. Now what do they mean when they do this and talk about foot jobs? What is that? “ANY OCCUPATION DEALING WITH FEET” (hubby answer) Oh I see! Okay, so anyone that works with feet, So a shoe salesman has a foot job. And the lady giving pedicures has a foot job. Alright I get it. Cuz it sounded so dirty when they did this and talked about giving you a foot job! Now it makes total sense. Now in these videos that I saw, a lot of these ladies were doing this (JO hand stroking gesture) so what’s the significance of that? “ITS AN EXERCISE TO HELP CIRCULATION TO THEIR FEET” (hubby’s answer) Oh, so it helps with circulation to the feet. I could see that. (doing the JO hand stroking gesture) This would get your bloood flowing. I guess that makes sense. So can you show me what you learned with all that practice? Come on.. please, Hunnie, do it for me. Please. Do it for me. Look at me soles and do it for me… (doing the JO hand stroking gesture) Look, I’ll do it nice and fast like this and really get the bloood flowing! Please Hunnie…? Wow, this really IS exercise. The bloood must be really flowing now. And those ladies in the videos are always counting down while theyre doing this… what’s that about? “DON’T STOP” (hubby says) What? You don’t want me to stop? Ok but I cant keep going for much longer so I hope you like this. Alright - I’m gonna start counting down now so where are you going? Come here. I need you to come for me. Come for my feet. Come for my feet right now. 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1.. Whew! How was that? Hunnie…? What were you doing over there? Are you okay? You’re breathing heavy. HAHA
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