featuring Orias Orias is alone. And naked. Her attention turns to her own delicious, creamy body. She begins to pleasure herself, her passion building, her hands between her legs, beginning to move faster, her moans turning into screams, building to an explosive release. She is so wrapped up in her own orgasm that she is only dimly aware that a huge, gurgling creature is watching her from across the room. As she brings herself to a body-arching finish, she struggles to grasp what she is seeing. The creature advances on her, growling and huffing, and sucks her leg into it's slimy, monstrous mouth. She screams and thrashes but the monster is too strong for her. Her body twists and writhes as the creature slowly sucks her entire body into itself. She disappears into its blackness, her hands the last thing visible as they go limp, the monster crunching her bones, until even they are sucked into its stomach. 21:40 minutes; 1920x1080; WMV, 913M, scored
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