Continuing my number 5 theme to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the site, I’m going to do something very cheeky ;) I’m wearing a pink and white jumper, a knee length pair of blue and white striped socks, and my crotch is bare in preparation ;) I have decided that I’m going to layer 5 different Pampers on top of each other to make everything incredibly padded and bulky around my crotch…but there’s a twist…I’m going to poke holes in the inner four layers, so that my release seeps through and gives everything a thorough soaking! I get to work on the holes, and then I put on each Pampers, so that when I finally stand up with them all securely in place I can really feel the weight and bulk :D I open the floodgates and let the liquid flow, feeling the warm sensation spreading around my crotch :D I just can’t wait to see what has happened inside, so when my release finally stops flowing, I take off the individual layers to give everything a lovely inspection. Tune into the video to find out yourself. 5 layers is 5 star fun ;)
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