Sapphire is waiting in Headmistress’ office; however as she sits on the comfortable sofa she starts to feel tired. Sapphire fights to keep her eyes open but it is no good and she soon falls into a deep dream filled rest… **Sapphire is a chav slut and dressed in a very chavy school uniform. She invites you into Headmistresses’ office and tells you how she is desperate for your cock; in fact she is disappointed you have not brought all your friends as she can never have too much dick at a time! As she starts to strip off her uniform she tells you how she wants you to taste her pussy, and she slides her panties to one side and pulls it open to show you. As she takes off more and more of her uniform she gets dirtier and dirtier, she wants you to fuck her ass and then let her taste it! Her filthy talk and perfect naked body is making you so hard, and as she bends over Headmistress desk, pulling her ass cheeks apart while calling you closer, you know she is ready for a good hard fucking!** …Sapphire wakes up with a start! She checks her uniform, she is still dressed in her normal uniform and is still a sultry Emo cutie, not a dirty Chav slut, and she is very relieved!
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