Roxie is walking quickly wearing a pair of white socks, she is not careful and stubs her toe. Roxie cries out in pain and clutches her little cute foot in her hand, hopping around. Roxie sits on the ground and holds her foot in pain. Roxie is about to read a book and walking slowly with bare feet, but she accidentally drops the heavy book on her foot. It hurts so much that Roxie screams and grabs her little foot jumping around the room. Roxie sits holding your foot. Roxie is carrying a heavy box wearing white socks. The blonde got a delivery but then she drops the box on her toe. Roxie clutches her foot and hops around. After that, Roxie feels angry about the box so she kicks the box with her hurt foot. Roxie kicks very hard so now her foot hurts much worse. Roxie cries out in pain and hops around. Roxie tries to stand on her hurt foot but as soon as her foot touches the ground, she feels the huge pain and hops around again.
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