I call you over to My place to talk to you about something. When you arrive you see I’m wearing a super sexy, tight, little dress. Excited, you think we are about to go on a date or maybe fuck! I hand you some water and tell you to have it because you look dehydrated. Stupidly you slurp it up. You start to feel funny and blur out. You awake to see your girlfriend GIANT and looping over you! “I’m breaking up with you. And you’re going to be My snack! I need to make you useful for SOMETHING and My mouth wants you!” I begin to lick you all over and slurp and suck on your body. It feels AMAZING. Your cock gets rock hard. You moan out not even caring that you’re about to be Her meal. Her large tongue feels SO GOOD. So warm. So wet! She moans and sucks on your entire body. Lots of erotic mouth noises emanate from Her lips. You feel like you’re going to bust but you’re also terrified. This will be your last nut EVER. Soon you’ll be sliding down Her throat…Mmm but you taste so yummy!!
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