The Duke recently created quite a stir in Parliament when he declared an Independence day for himself and all of his estate. Popular opinion is that he's mad - but the people seem to like him. Every major news network wants to be the first to present the full story, but not very many reporters are being granted access. But cub news woman Chloe Toy has been granted access through the first stage, and admitted to the estate. But now she has been pulled aside by security! The guard informs her that under the new regime, certain items are considered contraband as the Duke has banned them from the Ducal estates. She's now in foreign territory and must obey the laws like everybody else. Shoes, for example. Women are not permitted shoes within the boundaries of the Duke's estate. She's going to have to take them off, they will be confiscated for the duration of her stay. And is that a bra he spots beneath her blouse? Blouses are permitted but bras are contraband. She's induced to strip off - and when the guard spots that she's wearing panties, of course, she's made to remove that newly-illegal item of clothing, too. She is left almost naked- just in her fully-fashioned stockings and suspender belt. The guard isn't sure of the Duke's position on those- he has to go and seek a ruling from the Duke. He locks Chloe in Irish Eight cuffs while he clarifies the matter. Left on her own in handcuffs, stripped almost naked, Chloe starts to question her life choices! But no, if she wants to be a star reporter, she has to stick with it, get the story! After all it isn't like she's being shot at in a war zone or anything. The guard comes back. Of course, stockings are contraband also. Chloe is to be allowed entrance to the estate alright, indeed she's not going to be permitted to leave until she has served her sentence for bringing multiple items of contraband into the Duke's domain! She is to be locked up in maximum security confinement for a full week Consoling herself that this is going to make a truly awesome debut expose, Chloe allows herself to ned led off to the depths of the Duke's domain. Unlocked briefly from the Irish eights, she is introduced to the cage that will be her confinement and punishment for the next week. She is locked in shiny hinged steel handcuffs behind her back, and a set of heavy leg irons are also added. A waist chain is applied to restrict movement even further, the heavy padlocks pressing into her soft skin. She is introduced into the cage to serve out her sentence!
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