Your stroke game sucks, you're just naturaly a complete loser, your cock would be an emberassment to fuck, one dip in and you're cream out a storm, how useless, you can't even pump right at this point! Just a few seconds here and there and you're already cumming hard, you're such a cock waste, it's pathetic. You're almost as bad as a bonerless dick! Fuck it up even more, train your cock to cum faster to get rid of handhumping and finger tugging alltogether, train your brain and your cock just to see a cleavage and cream in your pants! Break your brain and Break your pathetic precum record over and over again until it's just a second and you're done! You don't need to bother trying to actually enjoy jerking off, you can't handle it, at all, it's for the best you end up a third rate precum loser bitch now!
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