The LAST Loser Tax of the year, time flies even for losers like you, as pathetic you are, you've grown, matured into an even bigger more pathetic loser than you were last year, let's see how much you've gone over the deep end for me, hm? You've paid more, binged more, gotten more addicted to me. And what an evolution you've gone through! You've fallen more deeply, gooned harder than before. And your brains all the more fucked for me. You've still got a whole month left though, a whole month of mindless worship & obssesion and then it's a NEW YEAR! New opportunities, new clips, pics and my voice to wreak havoc on your cock and brain! Isn't it exciting? It's a lot more realistic to be hyped for this than suddenly transforming into some kind of mega alpha cock pussy drilling hunk, that's for sure! You're never going to suddenly have a magical transformation and change to a better fuck or even grow an inch on your cock! It's not optional, you're better off working your ass off for me, becoming an even bigger loser for me, my pathetic little loser...
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