Featuring: Dacey Harlot & Dexter Darkly Dacey calls her Step-Daddy into her room. Dacey wants to discuss her Christmas list and the first thing on her list is a new pair of shoes. She begs and pleads to her Daddy for a new pair of shoes she's been wanting for months. They are expensive but these ones are so beat up, old and smelly. The other girls at school even make fun of her. It's not fair! Dacey knows you like her to take care of her feet, she's caught Daddy staring at them when ever she's barefoot in the house. In fact she's pretty sure she's missing some of her gym socks. Dacey slides a little closer on the bed as she proposes a trade. "How about Daddy gets me the new Jordans I want for Christmas... and I'll give you a Footjob Daddy, you can Cum All Over My Toes"
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