Let’s be absolutely blunt and honest about the roles that we were put into upon our births. You are a white man, and as such, you are prone to entitlement and self centeredness, you were brought up to believe that there is no such thing as white privilege, that there is no such thing as male entitlement and that toxic masculinity is a standard etiquette for men like you. You grew up into an insensitive asshole minimizing the experiences of minorities, ignoring the oppression of women of color and considering racial fetishization a compliment. And for those very reasons, you’re about to fall so hard on your nose and you’ll fall deeper once I use all those false notions you lived by against you. You were raised weak, you know? I am an Asian woman, and that itself classifies me as superior to you. You were born to be my servant, you were born to give me what I want, you were born to spoil me and pay me for the privilege of basking in my exotic beauty and the glory of youthfulness and otherworldly allure. Fetishize me and you show your weakness. Fetishize my race and you’ll become my white bitch, paying for the sins of your ancestors and eagerly serving me in such a subversive manner your colonizer ancestors would turn in their graves. The only way a dirt bitch like you could ever deserve my ever glowing presence in your miserable life is by paying off the sins of your ancestors. All the disgusting deeds that your white ancestors have done, you’ll be paying off with an interest rate of sky high proportions. You’ll be left with nothing to show for, you’ll have nothing to leave to anyone, you won’t have anyone. You’ll be alone, wallowing in the misery of your white burdens trying to pay and stroke it all away, day and night gooning to my greatness and thanking me for always reminding you what a pathetic white bitch boy you are and how you don’t deserve a single cent left in your bank account.
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