Luna Sapphire has her arm between the bannisters on the stairs to clean a tough spot when she gets stuck. She calls me to help, but I take advantage of her! I pull down her shorts, spank her ass, and grope her tits. Luna asks me to get her unstuck but I put my hard cock in her pussy instead! I fuck Luna while she’s bent over in doggy style, unable to move her arm. I pound her hard until I cum all over her ass and rub it between her cheeks. Now I’ll help get her free. Featuring: Luna Sapphire, Sophie Ladder, stuck fuck, stuck and fucked, stuck fetish, trans girl, trans girl on girl, trans lesbian, translesbian, tgirl, tgirl fucks girl, cum on ass, POV, point of view, doggystyle, transgender, TG, cumshot, cum shot
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