I've always been just your friend. The girl you talk to about all the other girls you like. It's been this way since high school. Y'know, people talk all the time about guys getting friendzoned or whatever but honestly, its about being confident...and I'm just not. I can't even tell you that I like you, let alone make a move. Every time we have our weekly Bad Science Movie Night, I chicken out. But not this week. This week, I'm visiting a potions master to get something that'll make me outgoing, make me feel sexy and confident and then, we'll finally be together! The woman I buy it from cautions me on dosage, telling me not to take more than the tiniest sip. She warns about dire consequences and sexual power beyond my imagination or control. I've always been good at following directions, I'll be fine. Movie Night arrives. I sneak to the bathroom before we start to take a little sip and immediately feel its effect. I feel...sexy. Confident. Ready to flirt! When I return to the couch, batting my eyelashes, touching my hair, flirting hard with you...you just ask me if there's something in my eye. I run back to the bathroom. Clearly I'm a special case. I must need to take more! This time, the potion seems to bring about body change. My breasts get larger, busting open my button up shirt. I feel so powerful and sexy! When I come back and sit down next to you, you continue to ignore my advances. What the hell, dude??!? One more trip to the bathroom, to my potion. To hell with that old witch, I'm taking the whole thing! I down the bottle and immediately begin to transform. My jeans tighten, shorten, change and shift into a tight little black vinyl miniskirt. My ratty shoes change into knee high boots, tight on my calves. My button up has changed, too, into a leather bustier that my now enormous tits are pouring out of. I'm pleased at first but then...I feel it...my own personality slips away...I am losing control...being supplanted by something greater, more powerful... A succubus. I am a cum-hungry succubus, and this isn't about your choice anymore! Now, it's about sucking and draining you - feeding on your orgasms until you're begging me to stop!! I return to the couch. Your stunned. Where did I hide those clothes?! What's going on?? I ignore your protests and pull your cock out of your pants, already hard and ready for draining. I suck and deepthroat your cock until you give up your cum. I can sense more, I can smell it. I jerk and suck you into cumming three times, each time you get more sensitive but I don't care. A succubus has needs
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