Featuring Riot Starter: This is Riot's first opportunity to play the now popular smotherbench dice game. The rules are simple but pretty unfair to dummy here. Each sit is timed depending on a roll of the dice, simply 20 seconds multipled by the number rolled. In order for the game to end, all six numbers have to be rolled. What makes it even tougher is if a roll is repeated, he has to take the sit again and makes no further progress in the game! As you can tell, this means he has to endure a two minute sit at least once (and based on the length of this clip I can tell you he was unlucky and took it well more than once lol). To make matters worse, I'll admit We cheated a little bit. At one point the screen came crashing down because the sub was struggling too much. So We added on a timed penalty on one of the sits because it was annoying and there's really not much he can do about it. I also rolled the finishing roll at a certain point during the game and didn't count it. Just didn't want the game to end yet and Riot seemed to be having so much fun that I didn't want to end the festivities! As We start to get tired towards the end I snag a few waters for the Ladies, which is kind of funny because dummy is obviously ten times more exhausted than We are and yet Riot sips on Her water while he's just struggling underneath Her. Who knows how many minutes he spent under each of Us. Maybe pick up the clip and time it for yourself!
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