I’m pampering myself in my apartment :) I’m wearing a black t-shirt, my shapely legs are bare, on my cute little feet I have on a pair of black slipper boots, and I’m tightly strapped into a beautiful ABU Barebum. I take off my boots and my socks so that my pretty feet are bare, and then I give my toes a rub with a cleansing wipe. It feels good to take care of my feet like this, especially when I can feel my crinkly ABU Barebum pressing against my crotch at the same time :D I start to paint my toe nails to make them look super pretty, and all the while I can feel the pressure on my bladder getting stronger and stronger. I’m concentrating so hard on my nails, that when my bladder opens on its own all of a sudden, I barely even notice! I’m vaguely aware of a warm sensation spreading around my crotch, but I keep my eyes on my toes and just allow nature to take its course :D Soggy plastic goes perfectly with freshly painted toe nails ;)
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