This was a custom with an emphasis of Jacquelyn Velvets walking toward the camera and implying that the camera walks through her showing her other side. Jacquelyn primps in the mirror after her shower and fast forwards to her in the living room changed into a sexy bikini. Her tiny man escaped and she is remorseful for not tying him down. The search starts and she crawls on her hands and knees before heading to the bedroom. He is not even in his normal hiding spot of her high heels and she becomes frustrated. Jacquelyn calls for him to come out, and his refusal angers her. Every time she leaves one room, she hears him scurrying around in another room. She finally finds him (POV) and is ready for revenge for the hide and seek game. Jacquelyn pushes him between her tits and swallows him whole after he stops wiggling. It is a pity he did not work out, but there is always another pathetic pipsqueak in the wings. OTHER KEYWORDS- femdom, blonde, Jacquelyn Velvets, Jacqueline Velvets, blonde, blond, long hair, big tits
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