So you know I’ve been enjoying this whole thing we’ve got. I really like this, I want to be your girlfriend and solidify it. You know? In a way we can both enjoy. I know we haven’t had sex yet and you’ve tried. And wondered why we haven’t, I’m sure… Well, it’s because I have a HUGE secret. I’m ready to tell you. <br><br> I have a magic dick. It’s 9 inches and thick as hell. And I can’t help myself anymore. I really want to fuck you. I never fuck anybody, but you seem so special to me. Plus, you make me horny as hell! I hope this is all okay… <Br><Br> Oh… Yes, you can definitely suck my thick magic dick. Mmmm that feels amazing. You love my big dick in your mouth? <br><br> Oh, gosh… Look at you, you’re turning into a girl yourself! It’s like, just some of you. This is some of the magic of my cock. Mmmmm keep sucking my dick though, babe. Wow, those are huge breasts! I like looking at them from here, mmmm. Big, bouncy breasts there you got. <br><br> Mmmmmm that feels good, I think you’re getting girl lips. Those lips look more puffy and wrap around my cock so nice. You’re getting shorter, too. Like a cute, short girl! Wow, are you maybe 4 foot 10 ish? Dang, you do look good. <br><Br> Ya know, if you like this look, we can seal it? We can totally complete the transformation. I’m sure you’re loving it, it’s a nice feeling. Just spread those legs for me and I’ll slide it right in there… your ass will GROW and and when I cum inside, it’ll turn you completely into a hot babe!
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