Make you suck her cock! What's up step-bro? I got your text, what did you need help with? Moving this hanging plant, seriously!??! How short ARE you? Wow, I had no idea you were -that- short! You're just a little shrimp, aren't you? I show off my tall height, humiliating you about your short stature. No wonder I've always had to protect you from bullies. I bet not only am I way taller than you, but I'm probably stronger than you! I bet I could beat you up. Wouldn't that be embarrassing? You try to save face, you argue that I'm not stronger... if that's what you really think than you should wrestle me! Winner gets to make the loser do WHATEVER the winner wants! You get worried and scared that I'll win... but I manage to convince you to wrestle me. I pin you with NO trouble at all! Ha! Now you have to do what I want! I'm not just taller and stronger.... I have a bigger cock than you! I whip it out and demand that you kiss it, french kiss it. That's right, taste and suck my big winner dick! While you suck it, I mock you- I keep talking about how much stronger I am, how I've always protected you... You should be the step-sis! You're the delicate little princess, aren't you? I cum hard while verbally humiliating you... I think you'll be doing that A LOT from now on, now that I know I can bully you into it!
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