SCENE #4 : IRONINGOUTFIT : FULL MAID OUTFIT, BIKINI TOP(5 minutes) : I come into the room, where you are just about ready to do some ironing onthe ironing board. You see me enter and smile.Well hello, Gary. I see you have cleaned up. Did you enjoy cumming on my tits in thebathroom ? Im sure you did, you naughty boy. As you can see I have changed outfits, sotry not to get me dirty this time, okay ?Well, with that, you begin to iron some clothing, bouncing and jiggling your tits around,as you go about your work.Soon, you look at your maid top, and decide that since it looks a bit wrinkled too, perhapsyou should iron it now, as well ? I agree. ;-)So, you take off your maid top and reveal your bikini top underneath. You begin to ironyour maid top, giving me wonderful shots and views of your big bouncy tits, in the bikinitop, as you iron away !When you are done ironing the top, you then you walk over to me and hold up your top toshow it to me, knowing I am looking at your big tits, instead of your top.How does my top look, Gary ? All nice and ironed out ? Or do you prefer looking at mybig tits in my bikini ?Of course, all of a sudden my cock pops out of my pants, from seeing your tits in yourbikini top.I thought so, Gary ! I knew your cock would prefer my bikini top over my Maid topSo you then put your Maid top down and walk over to me looking down at my hard-on.Well, what are we going to do with this ?You playfully touch my cock.I guess, I cant just leave you like this, can I ? I will have to take care of this myself, right? Okay, Gary, you are lucky I do these things for you ! What would your Mother say,knowing I am sucking on her little sons cock, every day ?DILDO SCENE SIDE ANGLESo you then bend down on your knees, and begin to suck and lick on my cock.Now you tell me when you are going to cum, okay, because I dont want you makinganother mess on me !And as soon as you say that, I cum real fast all over your face !SQUIRTY CUM SCENE SIDE ANGLE (4 squirts)Gary ! I told you to tell me when you were going to cum ! You came on my face again !So, while still on your knees and cum dripping all over your face, you tell me to go getwashed up for lunch, and you will see me later.And you smile
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