Your sweetest, loving and gentle AB-mommy (diaperperv) comes in to wake you up and instinctively check your diaper; it's pretty soaked and it's stinky! Somehow, you messed yourself in the middle of night and slept in your smelly pamps! It's time for a matter of fact diapee change! SHe talks about how you used to be an adult but now that you're regressed, you love being a a helpless diapered cutie with a doting AB-mommy who loves giving you TICKLES!!! then it's time to suckle on AB-mommy's breasts for breakfast while she talks about taking you to the park later. And that GF you had will now be trained as your adult-babysitter! She makes a mental note to teach her how to change your diapers later on. Just a sweet, loving, matter of fact morning with diaperperv
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