Getting let go from this company can have dire consequences. You're about to find out exactly how dire as Lilith, the lead pred in the Termination Department has been assigned to "let go" of your entire department. Thankfully her stomach is empty as she approaches you and informs you that your exit from the company will be through her rear. Quickly getting to business, she devours each and every one of your coworkers as her gut expands and begins its long digestive task. Some of your coworkers are making her gassy! With a smile and a belly rub she works her way through her victims until they are all snug and digesting in her swollen belly. Another productive day at the office! Contains: Samesize Vore, Digestion, Implied Disposal, Gurgles, Belly Sounds, Casual Pred, Sweet Pred, Farting, Corporate Setting, f/m, f/f, f/Multiple, Multiple Prey, Sound Effects
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