Tell me, gooner - "Who is the GOD ... GODDESS of yours?". That's right ... it's me ... motherfucker GODDESS FAITH EROS. This VALENTINE'S DAY you are allowed to FUCK again. Yup, that's right! You have my PERMISSION to fuck yourself. Look into my eyes and SUBMIT to the VOID of it. My kisses have no PASSION at all. It's all machinery. I know what you want and deserve is my SALIVA. You are living for the moment of me SPITTING on your face! That's what I do the best! Now we SHARE the same bacteria ... but you wanted LOVE. Well, love is about sharing. Don't you think so?! No, I don't have a COLD HEART you just don't know how to MELT it. *** Just to give you a HINT I LOVE MONEY!!! ** To SUPPORT my VIDEO PRODUCTION ... if you want to see NEW VIDEOS of me - TIP me 5000$. * If you would like to get a CUSTOM VIDEO which will CATER to your FETISH - EMAIL to me!
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