Your step-Mom is on the phone with her friend. She says you were supposed to be home an hour ago. But what she doesn't know is that you are home. You took the shrinking potion your scientist friend gave you. You are jerking off hidden by the pillows on the couch. Your step-mom decides to sit on the couch and wait for you to come home. She sits right on you. She tells her friend that the couch is very pokey and uncomfortable. She bounces on the couch to try and get comfortable. Then she complains about her yoga pants always falling down. She gets up a few times to pull them up and each time, smash, smash, smash. There is nothing you can do. You can't have her see you like this. So you keep quiet. She tells her friend she will wait as long as it takes and sits back one final time completely swallowing you up with her huge ass.
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