Sapphire has come to Matrons room to check with Matron that she is OK to play netball after an injury. She has brought her e-cigarette with her and as she waits she starts to suck on it, inhaling deeply. It helps relax her as she waits for the news; Sapphire is already wearing her sexy netball dress ready, hoping she will be given the all clear. As she smokes she takes long drags and holds it before letting the smoke escape through her pretty lips. She hitches up her short skirt a little showing off her white gym panties, and as she continues to smoke seductively she touches her pussy through her panties. Sapphire pulls her skirt up further and as she sits with her legs spread, showing her white panty gusset and still inhaling from her e-cigarette, she plays with her pussy over her panties. As Sapphire gets more excited she even pulls her panties to one side so she can touch her pussy properly!
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