Custom Clip: Chris and his mother Carol were constantly at each other's throats arguing and fussing about every little thing so they started going to therapy. Synopsis Chris and his mother are in their therapist's office when she walks inside and begins to explain that she thinks she's finally found the solution to their problem. She then has them began doing touching exercises, soft loving movements of their hands on each other's arms before lovingly massaging each other's shoulders. The sexy therapist then explains while it is unusual she has found a new way of therapy to be quite successful and has them both undress in front of one another before beginning their exercises again. One thing leads to another until the therapist places Carol's hand on her sons cock while whispering hotly in her ear. She would say something like. "Now isn't this better than fighting all the time. Isn't it better to make love than war?" Chris and his mother finally give in to their sexual urges and they end up in a wild threesome with their therapist. Once Chris and his mother start having sex, I would love for there to be all kinds of nasty talk between them. Enjoy this multi-camera view clip in Full HD
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