Slavy, I decided to borrow you from your MASTER for this VALENTINE'S DAY. Yup, you used to SERVE to the COCK. Now you will serve to the PUSSY. My WET PANTY VALENTINE SLAVE! We will go to the restaurant together. You will ESCORT me as my PANTIES. Yup, I will TURN you into panties. I really hope you didn't think that I would go out with you as my BOYFRIEND. This is something you will never be able to become! I will wear a mini skirt so I can FLASH you to other restaurant guests. I mean I don't give a FUCK what those MOTHERFUCKERS will think about me! But I will make sure that I eat enough of BEANS so I can make your day FARTY. My farts smell pretty good. You will like it! When I will get desperate for PEEPY I won't go to the toilet. Why for?! I will PEE in panties. And yup, I still don't give a DAMN what those OBSERVERS will think about me! If they don't have their own life they can become a part of your SLAVE LIFE! Even in PUBLIC I will treat you as a slave. My RELATIONSHIP is for the SHOW! ** To SUPPORT my VIDEO PRODUCTION ... if you want to see NEW VIDEOS of me - TIP me 5000$. * If you would like to get a CUSTOM VIDEO which will CATER to your FETISH - EMAIL to me!
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