I’m having a work out in my apartment :) I’m wearing a purple sports bra, a pink head band, pink wrist bands, on my cute little feet I have on a pink pair of socks and my pink sneakers, and I’m lovely and snug in a gorgeous Dino Rawrz. I have set up my exercise matt on the floor, and I begin by doing some bending and stretching to get myself loose and warmed up. And of course, all this stretching makes my Dino Rawrz rustle like crazy, and gives you a great chance to check it out from different angles :D My bladder is full to the brim, and all this moving around has triggered it, because all of a sudden a warm stream spills into my Dino Rawrz whilst I’m in the middle of my stretching! It has taken me by surprise, but I don’t want to take a break from my work out, so I let nature take its course and carry on what I’m doing as my plastic steadily fills :D When I’m finished spraying, I pick up my weights and begin to lift, and all the while my Dino Rawrz is squelching and sloshing. I’ll tell you one thing…wearing soggy plastic always seems to give me more energy ;)
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