PART 1 (3 minutes) : I’m sitting at the table, when you walk in. You are wearing just a robe, and thong panties underneath. However, much to my delight, you have not closed the robe and in fact, it is wide open in front, showing you completely topless. However, you are completely unaware that your robe is open. ‘Gary, why such a big smile ? Are you that happy to see me ? Or are you just happy you are going to have a nice breakfast ?’ I simply keep smiling. :-) ‘Or are you happy, because you fucked and came in my mouth, this morning ?’ So, you happily go about preparing breakfast for me. You stand directly in front of me, as you do, allowing me to see your exposed tits, the entire time. You soon make small talk with me, oblivious to the fact of your exposed top, and try to find out why I am so happy and smiling at the table. Then after making my breakfast, you hand the plate over to me. ‘As much as I love to see you smiling and happy, Gary, you need to eat now.’ However, I’m still staring at your tits, and not eating. ‘Gary, are you okay ?’ And with that, you soon look down, and realize that your robe top is open, which you quickly close. ‘Gary ! Is that it ? Is that why you are so happy ? Because my tits were out like that, yes ? You could have told me I was topless, you naughty boy, not just keep on staring at me.’ I begin to laugh. ‘So, this was funny to you, you silly boy ? You liked seeing my tits, didn’t you ? You never planned to tell me they were out like that, were you ?’ I nod, no. :-) ‘What am I going to do with you, young man ? Okay then, if you liked that so much, I’m sure you will love this !’ So, you happily open up the robe, then drop it to the floor, and purposely show off your naked tits to me. ‘How is that ? Better ? You love my tits, yes ? You could stare at my big tits all day long, right ?’ I nod, yes. :-D Then, you pull down your panties, and show me your naked ass. You then soon notice me begin to squirm around in my seat. PART 2 (2 minutes) ‘Everything okay, Gary ? You like my naked ass ? And you enjoy seeing my nice, big tits bouncing around, yes ?’ ‘Okay then, I am done. Are you finished eating breakfast, or do you still want to look at my tits, some more ?’ While saying that, you model and show off your tits to me. And you notice me squirming around, even more than before. ‘Gary, what are you doing there ? Why are you so nervous ? You’ve seen my tits before’ So, you walk over to me and see me jerking off to you, from under the table. ‘Oh, so that is what was going on ? Are you jerking off again ? I see someone’s cock got nice and hard, looking at my big tits, huh ?’ Kate makes the ‘jerk off’ motion with her hand going up and down, as I happily continue to jerk off. ‘Okay Gary, you’ll have to finish jerking off, because I have to get back to my chores’ PART 3 (3 minutes) To help me along, you surprisingly grab on to my cock, and slowly start jerking it off. DILDO SCENE ANGLE LOOKING DOWN AT ME ‘Let me help you here. There, is this better, Gary ? To have my hand jerking off your hard cock, instead of your own ?’ You continue to slowly jerk me off and smile as you do. ‘My little Gary, loves my big tits, yes ? And I’m sure you are loving me jerking off your dick, too, yes ?’ :-) And with that statement, I simply can’t control myself any longer, and shoot a huge load of cum straight up and all over your face and mouth ! SQUIRTY CUM SCENE LOOKING DOWN AT ME (5 squirts up to face) ‘Gary, oh no ! I can’t believe you just came all over my face and mouth ! You naughty boy !’ And with the cum still on your face, you stand back up, give me a big smile and a little bounce and jiggle of your tits. You slowly wipe off your face. ‘I wonder what you love more, my big tits, or me jerking you off ? Okay then, you just run along now and let me get cleaned up here. I can’t walk around all day with your cum on my face, and I still have chores to do, you know’ And with that, you happily exit the room
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