We both know small dick losers like you will never have their dick sucked. This is such a hurtful and pathetic sex life when everyday you dreaming about blowjob. Especially when you looking at me and fantasize about sucking your little dick. The truth is you will never have anyone sucking it, you will always stay locked in cage, throbbing and cringing, having it dripping with precum begging for release. Why would anyone ever do this? There is so many big black cocks to suck and worship, they bringing lot of pleasure while your little dick bring nothing but frustration and disappointment. I want you suffer in your tiny cage as you watching me sucking this dildo bcze even a rubber black cock is better then yours. All you gona have is terrible blue balls and humiliation. And your little dick will be shrinking more and more bcze each time you will be locked in smaller cage. This is your sexless caged small dick loser life.
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