Sapphire has stayed behind after her lesson, but while she works she keeps looking around distracted. She can clearly hear your tiny scampering as you move around underneath a nearby desk. Only a few inches tall you have been shrunk by Headmistress and after escaping from her office you are hiding in the classroom, it is the perfect place for a perverted tiny man with all those skirts to peek up. However Sapphire can sense your presence and sure enough she soon spots you behind the desk leg. She gets down on all fours and talks to you, she looks massive and scary, and she could so easily flatten you! At first she seems pleasant and kind and you come out from hiding to look up at her enormous beauty, plus you also have a bit of a view up her skirt! It does not take Sapphire long to realise where your tiny eyes are looking and her mood changes. Sapphire holds up her shoe, showing you just how big it is compared to your tiny stature. Her massive high heels are starting to make you nervous, especially when she holds them over your head. The question is will she punish you further by flattening your tiny body with the sole of her shoe?
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