Grace Marie and Stella Liberty discuss the strange noises they've been hearing in the apartment lately and how they need to figure out what exactly it is. Stella is worried they may have another roach infestation and encourages Grace to help her search for the source of the scratching, clicking and occasional hollering she is certain to have been hearing. They search through their toy bins hoping the suspected "insects" haven't gotten into the ropes, floggers or dildo containers. Then Stella sees it, its a tiny man! Disgusting! Both Stella and Grace are confused and horrified. What should they do with "it"? Stella runs to the kitchen and grabs a pair of tongs and asks Grace to distract it. They remove him from the plant and he struggles. Then they begin to discuss what to do with it. They first try to step on him with their feet but they get too creeped out. Next they consider smashing him with a book. They even consider smashing him under thier behinds but decide he might bite and they don't want marks on their asses. Lastly, they discuss whether or not it is even sentient, Maybe it would be likea starfish or an oyster. An oyster! Stella'e eyes light up and she wonders if HE tastes like an oyster. She grabs something from the kitchen and returns with a bowl, some lemon and seasoning salt. They place the tiny man in the bowl and distract him while they douse him in tasty ingredients. Then Stella bites of his head, gives the body to grace and together they consume the remaining tasty bits of his little bitty body. When they are all done they talk about how amazing it would be if there were more of him and how they could really impress their friends at a dinner party if they served those tiny men to their guests. You'll need the Ricoh Theta App on your phone to view this clip on a vr device
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