RAQUEL is a spy. RAQUEL is TICKLED by another spy who wants to make her reveal a secret formula. The other spy doesn't appear in the clip. Only the hand of the other spy appears in the clip. First the other spy TICKLES RAQUEL on her BARE FEET and SOLES with a feather. Then the other spy TICKLES RAQUEL on BARE FEET with her fingers. RAQUEL LAUGHS a lot. The other spy says many times to RAQUEL"Talk RAQUEL! Tell me the secret formula. Talk!" RAQUEL LAUGHS and says many times during all the clip: "Never! Never! Never! I will never talk. I will never tell you the secret formula. Please, stop TICKLING me! I am too TICKLISH. You make me laughing. I will never tell the secret formula". In the end RAQUEL gives up and says LAUGHING: "I am so ticklish. Stop. I will talk. I will tell you the secret formula. But, please, stop tickling me".
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