It's a Friday night, and you're out at the club. You do this every weekend, going specifically so you can perv on all the hot girls dancing. Tonight you've found the group you want to spy on. It's a group of 4 of the hottest girls you've ever seen in your life. Usually you're pretty good at not making your perving habits too obvious, but with them you just can't help it. You stare pathetically at them, not able to take your eyes away for even a second. The hottest one makes eye contact with you, and you immediately look down. She then walks over to you, saying something to Her friends as She leaves. You thought She was going to come chew you out for being a perv, but She doesn't. She looks you up and down and introduces Herself as Evelyn. She tells you that she thinks it's hot how you've been staring at Her and Her friends. She tells you that They may even consider taking you home. As you begin to feel more comfortable and begin to let your guard down, Her vibe changes. She laughs and tells you that you're an idiot. Why would She think its hot that you're a creepy perv? It's time you were taught a lesson. <br> She demands that you stroke for Her right in the club. She tells you that you won't be able to resist, and She begins flaunting Her Cleavage in your face, and teasing you with Her round ass. She is right, and you find yourself reaching into your pants to pull out the hardest erection you've ever had. You then spend the next 10 minutes in a horny haze as She teases you with Her spectacular body. You don't even realize that people have started to take notice. Finally when She decides that She's had enough, She commands you to get on all fours, cum onto the dance floor, and lick it up. Do it in front of everyone. You're so broken at this point, you don't refuse. She leaves you utterly humiliated. <br> <br> Twitter: thehotmeangirl Website: thehotmeangirl.com
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