I want to have a lovely ABDL chat with you :) I’m wearing a purple romper suit tied in a pretty knot, a denim shirt over the top, a knee length pair of multi-coloured socks, and I’m tightly fastened into an ABU Barebum. I’ve made myself comfortable on the fluffy rug so that I can sit here and talk about some ABDL ideas. I love discussing my past purchases with you, and future ones of course…it’s so much fun to let the anticipation build as you imagine plastic you might soon get to try on :D But before I start chatting away, I decide to empty my bladder, which is really starting to strain :) I get onto my knees and allow a warm stream to spill into my ABU Barebum, and straight away my bladder feels lighter and more satisfied. The ABU Barebum is noticeably heavier by the second, and I savour that familiar bulky feeling :) Now that my bladder is empty, I can focus on our chat. It’s always more fun to talk about all things ABDL when you’re nice and soggy ;)
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